Kremena Palyonova – Schwarz

Over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing, managing sales teams and developing business models. Kremena Palyonova is the founder and owner of KPS Bulgaria. She started her career at Mobiltel back in 1998, beginning with her participation in the team that developed the IRIDIUM satellite program in Bulgaria and then going through the financial and commercial departments responsible for the b2b sales in Sofia. Kremena then manages the Renault-Nissan dealer network in Bulgaria and their corporate sales. After that she took the position of Sales and Marketing Manager of ICAP Bulgaria and led the business development of the company and the sales team for more than 9 years.

Expert sales and marketing
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    Като експерти със значителен опит в различни сфери ние отлично разбираме от какво огромно значение е всеки един сегмент от бизнеса и не само, независимо дали се касае до стартираща компания или до по-нататъшното развитие и растеж на бизнеса.


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