Teodora Atanasova

Teodora Atanasova is an experienced digital marketing specialist, currently working at the largest communication company in Bulgaria for 2019 – Ogilvy Group Bulgaria. She has been working for variety of international and local brands such as National Geographic, A1, L’Oreal, Unilever, H&M. Her main specialty is strategic planning, social media marketing and content creation.

Teodora has a bachelor degree in Journalism from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. She has been writing for multiple multimedia journals such as Public Republic, Capital Light, both magazines for art and culture, as well as for the German-English edition of BerlinLogs.com. Teodora has published over twenty interviews with Bulgarian and international artists. In 2017, she was managing the PR for a short film festival in Berlin, part of the annual events of Medienwerkstatt im Kulturwerk des bbk Berlin.

Експерт маркетинг и реклама
Switch The Language

    Като експерти със значителен опит в различни сфери ние отлично разбираме от какво огромно значение е всеки един сегмент от бизнеса и не само, независимо дали се касае до стартираща компания или до по-нататъшното развитие и растеж на бизнеса.


    + 359 893 009 538