Totka Spasova

Totka is a globally recognized leader and business strategist in her industry of event and supporting talents. In the last 3 years she was the head of UK for Success Resources, the largest seminar provider in the world, responsible for 8-figure annual revenue targets.

She also helps and advises seminar companies globally and speakers on how to build cutting edge infrastructure for their businesses, increasing revenue and profitability while deploying the latest marketing strategies.

Her leadership skills combine high-level strategic thinking and strong organisational skills coupled with understanding of each individual’s true gifts. In 2019 she won the Global Woman Award for Leadership for the UK.

Expert PR, events and talent management
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    Като експерти със значителен опит в различни сфери ние отлично разбираме от какво огромно значение е всеки един сегмент от бизнеса и не само, независимо дали се касае до стартираща компания или до по-нататъшното развитие и растеж на бизнеса.


    + 359 893 009 538